
Showing posts from April 9, 2015

Tis the season for test driving your wedding do!

Two words:  Bridal. Trial. Now.  {ok three} One of my favorite things to do is bridal hair.  One of my second favorite things to do is a bridal hair trial.  {I'm simple, I know.} I get asked a million questions about wedding hair, so I thought I might share some of my opinions on the process, especially since it is currently a very popular time to book your trials.  So, without further adieu, here are some heavy hitters: 1. Should I wait until I get my dress? Probably.  A style depends at least a little bit, on the type of neckline the dress has.  I'll surely trial before the dress (and take the business), but it probably makes the most sense to wait until you have a dress. 2. Should I bring my vail or hair piece? Also probably.  If you want the full effect, then you'll want to bring a vail or any hair pieces you will be wearing in your hair.  Even if they are not the final ones, it helps to have an idea where something will sparkle or how a vail will look